Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford
martin.bullinger['at'] · Google Scholar · DBLP
I am a postdoctoral researcher in the group of
Edith Elkind at the University of Oxford since September 2023. Before that, I have obtained a PhD degree from Technical University of Munich under the supervision of Felix Brandt.
My PhD thesis is on Computing Desirable Outcomes in Coalition Formation. I also hold a master's degree in Mathematics from TU Munich.
My research interests encompass topics related to computational social choice, algorithmic game theory, combinatorial algorithms, or computational complexity. In my own research, I cover various scenarios in multi-agent systems with a focus on coalition formation. Apart from my central thesis work, I have worked on matching markets, the emergence of segregation, or voting theory. While I mostly apply algorithmic methods (like the efficient computability and computational boundaries of solution concepts), I am also intrigued by socio-scientific and philosophical paradigms.